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The Discriminating Gamer: Cthulhu: Death May Die - Unknowable Box unboxing with Ray

18 days ago·Unboxing·33:13·6
1 - 5 players
90 min
3.7/5 complexity




Action PointsCooperative GameDice RollingScenario / Mission / Campaign Game


Unknowable Box contains all Kickstarter exclusive stretch goals for Cthulhu: Death May Die - Fear of the Unknown unlocked during the campaign. 28 Investigators miniatures and boards 7 Monsters with Unknown Monster card NUG & YEB elder ones box Unknown Monsters cards for Unspeakable Box Monsters 2 Relic cards (Pumpkin, Skull) Lost Episode 4 Box: Hypnos Lost Episode 5 Box: Dreams in the Witch House Lost Episode 6 Box: The Colour Out of Space Lost Episode 7 Box: The Horror in the Museum


Rob Daviau, Marco Portugal

Cthulhu: Death May Die – Fear of the Unknown: Unknowable Box

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